Comprehensive Security Master Plans

An integrated Security Plan defines security standards at a high level and develops the direction for planning its implementation taking into account the priorities of the Company or Organization, based on their needs, the environment in which they operate and their corporate culture. However, this plan not only defines the detailed development of policies, procedures, staff training and security systems design. But he deals with each of the issues in a logical and organized way. Organizations can then either develop these plans internally or use the help of an external, independent security consultant to develop the plan from an objective, unbiased perspective on the organization.

Athens Dynamic Services begins the development of the comprehensive Security Plan by doing a preview of the existing security program, the identified and documented objectives of the program by both the Company and the security management department.

Having developed best practices in security design, we have the ability to adapt them to the unique characteristics and needs of your organization.

The Security Master Plan will incorporate not only the responsibilities for prevention, detection, and dealing with critical incidents but will also include the procedures for the continuous monitoring and updating of the plan itself.